
For whom?
For anyone with a suspicion of giftedness, giftedness or high sensitivity. With problems at home or with the environment. Sometimes it resembles autism, performance anxiety, ADD or ADHD. If in doubt, get in touch .

We work with children and adults. The earlier we are there, the more effectively we can act. But at any age we can achieve improvement and enlightenment. Just get in touch to discuss what we can do.

These children have different support needs than others. It is good to keep this in mind both at home and at school. This way you get continuous development.

The care that children up to 18 years (and their environment) receive from Palet is reimbursed within the municipality of Almere by means of a referral from an authorized referrer (general practitioner, youth doctor or other doctor). If you live outside Almere, reimbursement can be made by means of a specifically issued decision. via the youth team in your municipality or via PGB (Personal Budget). In some cases, reimbursement by your health insurer is possible. We advise you how to request this. In addition, payment of our various trajectories by yourself via private payment is also possible. We will prepare an overview for you in advance of the possible process and the expected costs.

If you are an adult, our coaching is usually not reimbursed. After the intake, we will make an overview for you of the possible process and the expected costs.

Our specialization: for children from 0 to 18 years
We offer care, support and guidance in various forms. Gifted, more gifted and highly sensitive children find themselves in a pinch because of their ‘being different’ if they have to survive in environments that are not appropriate. Part of the therapy we offer is therefore aimed at making the child more aware of his/her own qualities and characteristics. Because it becomes the art for them to adapt while preserving themselves. Then you have to know who you are, what you want and what you can do.

For highly sensitive children this is an extra big challenge because they feel so much that it is difficult to discover what belongs to them and what belongs to the other(s). Many gifted and gifted children are also highly sensitive.

For preschool kids
“I have the impression that my child has a developmental advantage.”

For primary school children with a suddenly stagnant development
“For my child, that behavior is not normal at all.”

For secondary education children who are in trouble with fears, big life questions, depressive tendencies or lack of connection
Everything always went by itself, but not anymore.”

As a parent, you know your child best. But still you sometimes don’t quite understand him or her. Why is your son or daughter so different at home than at school or in the nursery/toddler group? Where does this suddenly stagnant development come from? An easy, fast baby, toddler, preschooler, the first rooster suddenly changes from his / her fourth, fifth or sixth year into a difficult child. Difficult to interpret.

Perhaps as a father or mother you recognize things from your own childhood? That’s not weird. Giftedness, giftedness and high sensitivity are hereditary.

What do they see at school?
Some children will underperform. Sometimes even far below the standard of the year group. The teacher doubts whether your child is comfortable in his/her own skin. Whether things are going well at home or with friends. Not infrequently, someone at school starts to think (wrongly) that there is a disorder, such as autism, ADD, ADHD or something else.

These children also want to participate
We help them with that. We do this together with mother, father and the environment. At Palet, these children learn to participate again, by trial and error, to understand how others think and what they expect. Children gain more confidence in themselves. Become yourself again. Your parents, your friends, your classmates will get you back.

Those involved
We also open our doors to schools, employers and other organizations and interested parties. Because those places also determine the effectiveness of our support.

You are not alone
Do you know that it happens quite often?
Giftedness (IQ 130+) 3%
Giftedness (IQ 115-130) 7%
High sensitivity 20%

Compare that with
Autism Disorder Boys 4-12 3%
Autism Disorder Girls 4-12 1%
ADHD or ADD 2-7%

– Explorations in Giftedness – Robert J. Sternberg, Linda Jarvin, Elena L. Grigorenko, (2010) ISBN 9780521740098
– Health survey Statistics Netherlands (2021)
– Health Council (2014)

Masters in customization
Sometimes it takes a while until you notice something. Gifted and sensitive children often find themselves in a pinch when they want to expand their territory. The first basis is the family, then the child gradually adds more areas to it. Expanding is successful when a child feels that he/she is seen and accepted by people in the new environment. Then a person feels free to develop, practice with new behavior and learn to learn.

This only works in an environment in which the child experiences trust. And that happens when the people around you look a little (vague acquaintances) or a lot (friends and the favorite teacher) like you. Gifted and sensitive children do not always find this. Or don’t recognize it. To feel safe, just adapt. And lose themselves.

These children are very good at this. And long-term. The adjustment only takes so much of them that they lose connection with themselves, to a greater or lesser extent. The child no longer knows what it needs, what it likes, what makes it unique. Confusion everywhere.

What the child has learned especially well is not to be noticed. Not be different. Students who learn easily are therefore confronted with problems in the cognitive, social, emotional and psychological areas, because the demands and expectations in regular education do not match their possibilities. There is questioning of the pupil and incongruity of the pupil and his environment.


(From: ‘Equality trumps in Dutch primary education: research into education for very easy learners’ by W. de Heer.)

And if parents don’t seek help?
If parents let it go too long, do nothing, or if a specialist misdiagnoses, these children become increasingly afraid of doing things wrong. To not belong. Then they get stuck, hide parts of themselves in a clumsy attempt to become a group member. And therefore unconsciously get more and more stress and problems. Lose themselves.

Only a quarter (!) eventually finds a way out independently. Sometimes later in life. The rest will have permanent problems. Usually with considerable unpleasant consequences, such as psychological complaints. Our advice: be there on time. The earlier the better. Then we can adjust and support.