About Palet Flevoland

In home-section-five door william op 3 november 2021, 15:13

We see how you are, who you are. Alone, with your parents, at school, with others or in a group. We understand what you run into. We prevent it from getting worse and stimulate your development.

Palet is the center for gifted, gifted and highly sensitive children 0-18 years. This is where all forms of support come together. We advise, guide, treat, accommodate and coordinate. To support you. As quickly as possible, as adequately as possible and as short as possible.

We help you understand who you are and what suits you. And what not. In which areas you are different from others, what that means and how you deal with it without losing yourself.

We offer diagnostics, intelligence research, school skills tests, therapy, treatment, coaching, guidance, play groups, a work lab, out-of-school care, toddler care, contact with developmental peers, vocational therapy, specialist youth care for, for example, fear of failure and mood problems. We also work closely with other providers. We offer you what you need, sometimes we refer you, but keep in touch. We are the spider in the web for you.

We adapt flexibly to you. For example, if you suddenly need three sessions with another therapist, fine. We even arrange the financing.

In addition, we guide parents, teachers (PO) or teachers (VO). We also give practical help on how to go about things. And we organize training courses for parents, schools, out-of-school care and nurseries.